

  • Aligns single disc clutches on cars, light commercials and tractors
  • Tapered cone fitting aligns clutch plate, complete with seven adaptor fittings

306220 Shaft Handle
306221 Tapered Cone
306222 Adaptor 15mm - 0.589 inch dia
306223 Adaptor 16mm - 0.627 inch dia
306224 Adaptor 17mm - 0.669 inch dia
306225 Adaptor 19mm - 0.748 inch dia
306226 Adaptor 20mm - 0.786 inch dia
306227 Adaptor 21mm - 0.808 inch dia
306228 Adaptor 25mm - 0.984 inch dia

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Toledo 306219 Clutch Aligning Tool SAE/Metric